
\matrixput(x,y)(#math63#Δx1,#math64#Δy1){n1} (#math65#Δx2,#math66#Δy2){n2}{<#81#>object<#81#>}

Above command is the two-dimensional equivalent of the regular LATEX command 29. The 30 command is equivalent to:

<#473#>\multiput(x,y)10 (#math67#Δx2,#math68#Δy2){n2}{<#83#>object<#83#>}<#473#>
<#474#>\multiput(#math69#x + Δx1,#math70#y + Δy1)11 (#math71#Δx2,#math72#Δy2){n2}{<#84#>object<#84#>}<#474#>
<#475#>\multiput(#math73#x + n1Δx1,#math74#y + n1Δy1)12 (#math75#Δx2,#math76#Δy2){n2}{<#85#>object<#85#>}<#475#>

However, it is more efficient to use 31 than the equivalent n1 32 statements; first the objects along the dimension with larger index are saved in a box and subsequently the box is copied along the other dimension, resulting in a #math77#O(n1 + n2) execution time rather than #math78#O(n1*n2) which would be the case with the equivalent 33 statements. This command can be useful in making pictures where a pattern is repeated at regular intervals in two dimensions, such as certain kinds of transition diagrams. An illustration of the 34 command is presented below.

= 1mm

Note: The 35 command does not restrict the Δx's and the Δy's to be zero. The <#101#>matrix<#101#> of <#102#>objects<#102#> can be ``skewed'', i.e., with nonzero Δx's and/or Δy's.